Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Plans for essay 3

            After given the option to decide which of the two previous essays I would use as my third essay, I decided to use my essay on rhetorical analysis.  I chose to redo this essay because it will be easier to write about. Although writing about an advertisement isn’t a difficult assignment it is not easy to go in depth. The advertisement I wrote about was an ad for Red Bull. There is only so much you can write about an advertisement for Red Bull. The essay on Rhetorical Analysis is easier to analyze. I will be able to criticize both the writer and the article, rather than just making one interpretation off of an advertisement.
            In my revision the first thing I plan to revise is the title. I need to come with an original and catchy title of my own. In my first draft I used the title of the article as the title of my paper. In my essay I also contradicted myself a few times. I plan to fix this problem and state my opinion in a clear way that makes sense with the rest of my essay. My first paragraph was much stronger than the second body paragraph. In my essay I wrote about how the author failed to mention he had a novel out. I am going to take this part out of my essay because it actually made my argument weaker. I need to write a better conclusion and write something that leaves the audience with something to think about.
            I hope to improve my paper and get a better grade on my final draft. I am also hoping that the things I learned from editing my paper help me in my future essays.